
AltexSoft Delivers Data Mapping and Visualization Tool with Fast Time to Market

Business domain


Our client, Bill Portin, is a sales professional with over 20 years of experience in the industry. Working with distributed teams, he faced the problem of building up an efficient sales network with the best territory coverage model. Thus, he decided to create a custom software solution to solve this problem.

Used primarily by sales and marketing professionals, it represents the company’s sales territory management data in a map format and provides instant sharing options. The mapping tool visualizes the current state of sales resources allocation and helps plan future network expansion.

As the initial research showed that there was no tool available that could address this specific problem, the client saw business potential in such solution.


The core feature of the project is the Wizard tool. It allows a user to input manually or upload XAML file with a list of sales representatives and their assigned territories. The program will then automatically visualize the territory coverage by assigning a unique color to every sales manager and highlighting the areas that he/she manages with this color.

The result of this visualization can be easily printed out, used in PowerPoint presentation or simply stored in the program. Therefore, the product allows for better-distributed sales teams management, efficient market coverage, and smart resources allocation.

To deliver the required results, our team committed to handling the following tasks:

Comprehensive business analysis

In-depth technology research and consulting

Software architecture engineering

Value Delivered

Our team’s technology expertise and keen understanding of the client’s business needs have helped us guide the project through all stages of the engineering process. Thus, we have been able to provide the client with the following benefits:

Clear business requirements and project vision

Being an innovative software solution with no potential alternatives, a simple yet powerful data visualization and presentation tool targets primarily the sales executives. The long-term project vision includes plans to extend its functionality and transform it into a SaaS platform. The business value along with the product vision and scope have been defined and documented by the team, resulting in a 10-page specification document.

Thought-out implementation strategy

As part of the initial planning, the core technology stack and implementation strategy have been proposed by the team. The product is created as a complete turnkey solution designed from scratch to fit the client’s needs. Due to the product architecture and its implementation, the system is self-sufficient and requires minimum support efforts. This also allows for easy product scaling in accordance with the market requirements to keep it ahead of the competitors.

Fast time-to-market

Thanks to the well-oiled process and delivery strategy, the project has been completed within 90 days, well ahead of the deadline. This has given the client the time to properly market the product and launch it. The product has been released in the form of a Windows desktop application. It is licensed with a third-party package and accessible right after purchase with minimal installation and setup efforts. The implemented solution resulted in 300% annual revenue growth for the client’s startup.

Approach and Technical Info

AltexSoft has provided a concept-to-deployment set of services in order to deliver the given solution. The project has been completed within 3 months by a team of 4: Project Lead, Software and QA engineers.

The mapping tool for sales professionals uses a well-established set of technologies: C#, Microsoft.Net, WPF, Sitefinity CMS by Telerik, ASP.Net, Armadillo licensing.

Services provided within the project framework: Engineering Services.
