3-star hotel

A 3-star hotel is a property that offers an average level of comfort, design, and services. They have multiple room options all of which have an en suite bathroom, closet, TV, and phone. Daily housekeeping services are included in the price, as are essential toiletries, towels, and water.

Expect a 3-star hotel to have well-designed lobbies with front desk staff available 24 hours a day. Typically, there’s a restaurant or dining area where breakfast and, in many cases, other meals are served.

Many properties also offer such amenities as pools, bars, meeting facilities, and fitness centers. All public spaces and physical amenities are usually spacious and well-maintained. Room and baggage services are often available and Wi-Fi is provided, at least in public areas. 

In general, hotel star ratings are designed to help travelers understand the level of service, cleanliness, amenities, and other standards that properties maintain, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest grade. However, the exact rating systems vary across the world, so it’s impossible to outline strict distinctions.

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