Flight seat map

A flight seat map is a visualization of the seat layout inside a passenger aircraft. Usually, airlines post color-coded seat maps so that passengers can visually choose the seat when booking a flight. Most air carriers charge an extra fee for seat selection.

A seat map typically displays

  • number of seats in each booking class, 
  • available and taken seats,
  • free and paid seats, and
  • seat layout in relation to emergency exits, wings, or the toilet.

Seat maps usually contain a legend that explains the meaning of colors and symbols. Some special symbols that might be used include, for example, a knife and fork representing the area where the crew stores and prepares meals or a stroller indicating a child-friendly row.

Some airlines and third-party services publish additional information, such as legroom, seat type (standard, open suite, closed suite, lie-flat, angle-flat, recliner), seat width, view, recline degree, feedback from other flyers, etc.

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